
Monday, May 24, 2004

More cultural perspectives...

During this ridiculous war in the Middle East that our current President has gotten us into, as people are making many a reference to Vietnam and it's similar problems...

I can't help but notice the similarities between different decades on another issue here in San Francisco..

Once, there was a town of regular folks, hardworking, quirky San Franciscians who cared about their neighborhoods and spent a lot of time in coffeeshops and restaurants... then the economy changed, the American culture changed, and young, predominantly white people started flooding this City, coming from little podunk towns across American, taking over whole areas of town, not respecting the current inhabitants, pushing the people who had lived here for years out of their neighborhoods and towards the outlying areas. "the old San Francisco is gone!" the old residents said. "these young people are taking over!" they said...
The late 60s were a trying time for San Francisco, or was that the late 90s? Depends on your perspective.

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