Tuesday, June 01, 2004
out on the streets.
I'm feeling pretty spent after 4 strong days of gathering signatures for the campaign. The Dept of Elections allows you to gather signatures instead of paying a filing fee to get your name on the ballot, so I've been focused on that important democratic process... .which takes my energies away from the witty banter that you will generally find here.
But I did get the mention from Mr. Hampton at the Examiner, so I'd better let the blog reading world know that I'm stomping the pavement.
Besides a farmer tan and tired feet, I'm really getting the impression that my messsage resonates with voters. It's not really about party politics or ideology, but simply staying focused, getting things done, and following through.
Almost all of us here in SF agree on the bigger issues, it's really about local decisions and the people those decisions affect.
Anyway, if anyone has anything they'd like to talk about, come meet me on the sidewalk.