
Tuesday, June 22, 2004

So, everybody knows I spend about an hour a day in my local park picking up trash, right?

And everybody knows I'm running a grassroots-talk-to-people-get-things-done-without-waste-or-a-potical-machine, right?

And when a reporter at the Haight Street fair asked me why I didn't have the "cool" lapel stickers like some of the other candidates, I mentioned a couple things:

1. handing out stickers that people put on right then will just mean that when they get home, if they get all the way home, they'll just throw it in the trash. Doesn't seem like a wise use of money to me.

2. stickers could be stuck to public, or private property, as everyone has seen before, creating in essence vandalism that city workers or private citizens have to come and clean up... spending city money to do so...

3. it's just a little thing that will most probably end up in the landfill that doesn't really tell you anything about the candidate.

So I'm in the park yesterday with my dog...picking up trash. And I had to pick up another candidate's sticker... hmmm.

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