
Thursday, July 15, 2004

someone told me the other day that I seemed like a 'one issue candidate'... I think they were referring to my early focus on trash issues... but I could be wrong. 
Perhaps they were referring to my focus on neighborhood groups, as I feel that strong community groups create an atmosphere that can foster better planning. Planning for businesses, housing, parks, streetscapes, community safety...
I also feel that neighborhood focus can help build a sense of community.  When people feel they can trust and count on their neighbors, they can start to come together and deal with the negative elements in the community and react appropriately.
Or maybe they meant my single issue of efficiency.  I want things to work well, not waste money or time, and deal with the reasonable problems in the community when they need fixing.
Or maybe they meant my single focus on communication and process.  If we follow through on an issue, make sure all parties are listened to and considered, and let everyone know what we're up to, we won't have the sorts of lawsuits and planning complaints and contention that we currently have.
who knows? maybe the Tys Sniffen for Supervisor campaign isn't a single issue campaign.

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