
Saturday, August 07, 2004

Hey folks, check out this opportunity to speak via the Kerry campaign about the environment... What got me to post it here is how 'down here' at the urban community level, we too, are being affected by the 'philosophical' (if you can call it that) decisions of our current administration.

Take a second and think about things in our community that are affected by Federal funding... and where the priorities have been. How does it affect you? Libraries, schools, public transit, hospitals, mental health services... send a note, get your voice heard.

Between now and November 2, communities most affected by George Bush's destructive environmental policies will look closely at the differences between George Bush and John Kerry.
When we reach out to these communities, we can talk about the differences between George Bush and John Kerry as matters of policy and record.

Or we can talk about the experiences that you have had in the great outdoors and why, when it comes down to America's love for the wild and pristine, John Kerry is the one who will best preserve our natural relationship with America's physical treasures.

To do this, we need your help. We need you to volunteer your stories. When did you last visit a national park? Does your community have a park where children can play? Do you hunt or fish? How does the natural environment play a role in your daily life? Does your family take vacations to lakes, forests, beaches, or parks? Are you concerned about how clean the air or water is in your community?

Email us at mailto:mediacorps@johnkerry.com?Subject=The%20environment, and tell us your stories. Please put "the environment" in the subject line. If you have pictures you'd like to share, that would be fantastic. Just attach them to your email.
The Kerry-Edwards press team works hard to make sure that your voice is well represented. Knowing how you have been affected personally by Bush's dangerous environmental policies helps our campaign to better illustrate our case. After all, this election is about you and about America today.

Volunteer your voice to the environment today, and make the difference in this coming election. Email us at mailto:mediacorps@johnkerry.com?Subject=The%20environment, and send us your story and pictures.
Thank you,

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