Wednesday, August 11, 2004
My Challenge to the other candidates: Let's save the city some money
Today is the filing deadline for all the wanna-be candidates in District 5. That there's a whole bunch of people thinking they want the job, plus the new 'rank choice voting' process will create a lot of confusion and possible problems in the election process.
(to learn about rank choice voting, check out my nice explanation at: )
So, there's a lot of talk about how the new system is going to create potential for law suits and arguments about who won, and who lost to a coin toss, and what groups were disenfranchised, etc.
My Challenge to the District 5 candidates: No legal action against the city
I'd like to see all the candidates agree to NOT taking legal action unless a majority of the candidates on the ballot agree there was something amiss enough that the group feels should be investigated. In other words, we need to promise to 'take it as it comes' unless 51% of the candidates agree that something messed up the election to the point where lawyers need to be involved.
This is the sort of stuff that often ends up costing the city millions in legal fees and time and energy. This challenge is my heartfelt attempt to cut that sort of stuff off at the pass. San Francisco doesn't need more litigation, it needs less, and I would think that if one thought of themselves as a leader in the community, it wouldn't be to hard to pledge to 'take what gets dished out' and not throw a tantrum that will cost the city money.
What do you think?